What is the Life Expectancy of Friedreich’s Ataxia?
Friedreich’s ataxia is a rare genetic disorder that affects the nervous system, leading to difficulties in coordination and balance. Here’s a simple breakdown of what you need to know about the life expectancy associated with this condition:
Onset and Progression:
Friedreich’s ataxia typically occurs in childhood or adolescence. As time progresses, individuals with this condition may experience a gradual decline in their ability to coordinate movements, such as walking and hand-eye coordination.
Cardiac Involvement:
One significant aspect of Friedreich’s ataxia is its impact on the heart. The condition often leads to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a fancy term for an enlarged heart. This cardiac involvement can contribute to complications and influence life expectancy.
Life Expectancy Variability:
It’s important to note that the life expectancy for individuals with Friedreich’s ataxia can vary. Factors such as the age of onset, the severity of symptoms, and the presence of other health conditions play a role in determining how the disease progresses and, consequently, its impact on life expectancy.
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